Taipei Forcing Club

Computer science and contract bridge

Category: Network

This category is about network programming.

IPv6 problem on Poker Chase

I encountered asset loading problem when playing Poker Chase in IPv6 networks. Asset loading fails from time to time. Sometimes I have to switch to mobile app to continue playing.

I found a solution on Firefox. Go to about:config and set to false. I am still not sure what causes the problem. I suspect it is related to the CDN used by the game.

Notifications when a Discord bot goes down

I want Natsuki to notify me when she goes down. This task is harder than I have thought. How can I count on a failing bot to send a message? I cannot trust the hosting provider, either. They may be the reason why the bot goes down. I have to rely on a third party.

Pair the bot with a web server

This sounds like a blasphemy against the single-responsibility principle. There are practical reasons to do this.

  1. Hosting providers may put idle bots to sleep. Some providers are so web-centric that they require serving a web page to keep the bot alive.
  2. HTTP(S) serves as a simple and reliable endpoint. Everyone online can ping it.

Below is how I pair Natsuki with an Axum server. The Axum server only serves 204 No Content at root.

impl Service for Natsuki {
    async fn bind(mut self, addr: std::net::SocketAddr) -> Result<(), Error> {
        use axum::{response::NoContent, routing::get, Router};
        let router = Router::new().route("/", get(|| async { NoContent }));

        let (axum, serenity) = futures::join!(

Monitor the web server

The other part of the plan is a watchdog that periodically pings the web server. The watchdog informs me through a Discord channel whenever a ping fails. Since the web server is available worldwide, the watchdog can live anywhere such as GitHub Actions. Given the importance of GitHub, it is much more reliable than self-hosting.

My watchdog is open-source like Natsuki. It takes a Discord webhook to send messages. I make it an environment variable because the webhook contains sensitive data. If the webhook is leaked, other people can send arbitrary messages to the channel.

use dotenv::var;
use serde_json::json;

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let client = reqwest::Client::new();
    let ping = || async {
        const ENDPOINT: &str = "";
    if let Err(error) = ping().await {
            .json(&json!({ "content": error.to_string() }))