Taipei Forcing Club

Computer science and contract bridge

Tag: Discord

This tag is about Discord, a messaging platform for gamers. Discord can also be general-purpose.

Notifications when a Discord bot goes down

I want Natsuki to notify me when she goes down. This task is harder than I have thought. How can I count on a failing bot to send a message? I cannot trust the hosting provider, either. They may be the reason why the bot goes down. I have to rely on a third party.

Pair the bot with a web server

This sounds like a blasphemy against the single-responsibility principle. There are practical reasons to do this.

  1. Hosting providers may put idle bots to sleep. Some providers are so web-centric that they require serving a web page to keep the bot alive.
  2. HTTP(S) serves as a simple and reliable endpoint. Everyone online can ping it.

Below is how I pair Natsuki with an Axum server. The Axum server only serves 204 No Content at root.

impl Service for Natsuki {
    async fn bind(mut self, addr: std::net::SocketAddr) -> Result<(), Error> {
        use axum::{response::NoContent, routing::get, Router};
        let router = Router::new().route("/", get(|| async { NoContent }));

        let (axum, serenity) = futures::join!(

Monitor the web server

The other part of the plan is a watchdog that periodically pings the web server. The watchdog informs me through a Discord channel whenever a ping fails. Since the web server is available worldwide, the watchdog can live anywhere such as GitHub Actions. Given the importance of GitHub, it is much more reliable than self-hosting.

My watchdog is open-source like Natsuki. It takes a Discord webhook to send messages. I make it an environment variable because the webhook contains sensitive data. If the webhook is leaked, other people can send arbitrary messages to the channel.

use dotenv::var;
use serde_json::json;

async fn main() -> anyhow::Result<()> {
    let client = reqwest::Client::new();
    let ping = || async {
        const ENDPOINT: &str = "";
    if let Err(error) = ping().await {
            .json(&json!({ "content": error.to_string() }))

Rewriting Natsuki in Rust

I’m rewriting Natsuki (3.0) in Rust for several reasons. You can track my progress at this branch.

  1. Hosting: Free hosting tend to assume that node.js projects are websites. They put the app to sleep when idle, which effectively takes down a Discord bot. I’m now self-hosting Natsuki, but I’m not a fan of that. Rewriting in another language solves this issue.
  2. Economy commands: Shuttle provides free hosting even with 500 MB of database. This means we can make stateful features in the future, such as economy and games.
  3. Also please note that I’m considering remove NSFW functions. Discord has been more and more hostile to NSFW features. Making Natsuki SFW can spread her further.